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OCR: -=-=-=- 2-2 -=-=-=- 2- - THE OFFICIAL MED USERS GROUP -=======-=-===========_=- V4'S SAMPLE EDITOR General When you load a sample, it's waveform is displayed on the sample editor screen. The length of the sample amongst other things is displayed. The red bar tells you the size of the display relative to the size of the sample. If you have zoomed in for instance. Buffer Size You can put any sample into the buffer but if the sample won't fit, the buffer size can be changed by clicking on the BUFF: gadget and typing in a new value for the buffer. Selecting Range Many editing operations work with a specified range. e.g. cutting part of a sample. The RNGS/RNGE show the actual byte positions of the start and end of the range which can be selected by holding down the right mouse button. You can then fine tune the range by changing these numbers. The RANGE ALL gadget selects the whole sample. If you want to re-ad just one end of the sample but leave the other in position, hold down the shift key whilst dragging with the mouse. Playing Next to BUFF :, there are PLAY DISP and PLAY RNG. Play display means play exactly what is displayed! (funnerly enough) and PLAY RNG plays a selected range. The whole sample can be played as normal through the keyboard. Zooming By using 200M IN, accurate editing is possible. Hopefully, ZOOM OUT is obvious. You can also select a range and click on SHOW RNG which just displays the range you have selected. Sampling MED has the BASIC sampling operations built in. The MONITOR gadget shows you the real-time waveform input from te sampler (WILL NOT MUTI-TASK). Click on mouse button to stop. The DIGITIZE gadget is used for actual sampling. Click on it and the real-time waveforms appear. Click on the left mouse to begin sampling or the right mouse to cancel. Clicking on the left makes the screen blank and sampling will start. The sampling stops when the waveform buffer is full. See above as to how to change this buffer Sampling/Playing Rate On the right hand side of the screen the sampling/playing rate is displayed (default 428). This value is the specific pitch of the sound. You can change this value by entering a new one into the PER-integer gadget and pressing return. Over the page is a list of MED notes and their periods: C-1 856 C-2 428 C-3 214 C#1 808 C#2 404 C#3 202 D-1 762 D-2 381 D-3 190 D#1 720 D#2 360 D#3 180 E-1 678 E-2 339 E-3 170 F-1 640 F-2 320 F-3 160 F#1 604 F#2 302 F#3 151 G-1 570 G-2 285 G-3 143 G#1 538 G#2 269 G#3 135 A-1 508 A-2 254 A-3 127 A#1 480 A#2 240 A#3 120 H-1 453 H-2 226 H-3 113 Changing the sample rate If your sample has a period of 428 (i.e C-2) and you'd like to transpose this to play G-2 (285) just type this into the PER- gadget DO NOT PRESS RETURN HOWEVER. Click on CHANGE RATE and hopefully .. it will! Saving the samples On the bottom right hand corner, you can see that you can save as either RAW or IFF. RAW is default and means that no IFF information is saved. Don't ask me what this really means because I don't know. Basically, IFF is the amiga standard whereas RAW is just data. As MED loads both, I don't think you'll have to worry about it. I would have thought however that IFF samples take up more memory ??? The basic editing gadgets CLR Clears the current range DEL Cuts the range CUT Cuts and range and sticks it in the buffer COPY Copies the range to the buffer PASTE Pastes the contents of the buffer to the position of the cursor DEL CBUFF deletes the buffer (freeing memory) S -> CB Copies the whole sample to the buffer CB -> S Copies the whole buffer to the sample These are useful as a simple undo. If you copy your sample before you start messing about with it. If you do not like what you've done. A click of a button will restore your original sample. Reversing Click on the REV- gadget and the sample is turned backwards, SO get out all your satanic rock records and listen to them messages ? 1ixinc This mixes the current sample with the one in the buffer. Click with the right mouse button where you want the second sample to start (or do nothing if you want them both to start at the same time and click on MIX. Changing Volume This changes the volume of the sample and can also create fades. Next to the CHANGE VOL- gadget there are two places for numbers to be inputed. Both are percentages of the original waveform. First select the range you want it to affect (e.g. at the end for a fade) and well, here's some examples: To double the volume : Set both start and end vols to 200. To fade out : Set start vol to 100 and end vol to 1. To fade in : Start start vol to 50 and end vol to 100. After you've done this, click on CHANGE VOL and, it will! Distortion may occur of some waveforms. Echo Best to experiment on this one. The gadget is controled by two values: Delay and No. of echos. Delay is the distance (in 10 byte steps) before the next echo. making it very low produces some interesting results! No. of echos specifies the total number of echos. It should usually be between 1-10 but there is no harm is experimenting with higher values. Usually you will have to extend the sample to include a blank space after the end for the actual echos. This is done by copying the original sample to the buffer and then changing the number of bytes in the buffer (described above). Then you just have to paste it back in. Start playing the sample and activate the DELAY- gadget, enter the value, hit return, enter the number of echos and finally click on ECHO. Then listen to the results. Looping Looping lets you sustain notes for, well, ever really. It simply repeats the waveform again and again until the sample is stopped. However, you can also select where you want your start and end markers to be. If you simply want the sample to replay as soon as it is finished, just click on LOOP ON. OctaMED has two blue loop markers for selecting loop range. When looping is on, you can change the loop point by dragging the markers with the mouse. There are buttons to help find good loop points : The S and E buttons determine if the other buttons will affect the starting or ending point. The 200M IN and OUT buttons are useful when defining ranges, to examine the sample in detail. selects start marker selects end marker. moves the selected marker 2 bytes left. moves the selected marker 2 bytes right. <0 moves the selected marker left until a zero is found. 0> moves the selected marker right until a zero is found. =- THE OFFICIAL MED USERS GROUP -=-=-=-== This article orignally appeared in the official OctaMED magazine, TI. For more information on TI, please send a stamped, addressed envelope or international reply coupon to MED USERS GROUP, 6 Glevum Road, SWINDON, Wiltshire, SN3 4AF, ENGLAND. This is also the address to write to if you would like to make any comments or criticisms of this article or if you would like permission to use this article in your publications.